Time & Location
Sep 23, 2021, 7:00 PM
Dunwoody, Wynterhall, Dunwoody, GA 30338, USA
About the Event
On September 23, 2021, at 7PM, we will be hosting our Annual Meeting at the Pool Pavilion. At this meeting, we will provide a brief state of the club, vote on the proposed changes to the by-laws and elect new board members for the 2022-23 pool seasons.
Board Member Election 2022-23
We expect to have several openings on the Board for the 2022-23 seasons and will vote to elect the Board Members at the meeting. If you are interested in serving on the Board and have not already reached out, please let us know by Sunday, September 12, 2021. It is our hope that the majority of our members send at least one family representative to this meeting, if at all possible. If you have questions, you are welcome to contact me directly on my cell at 404-561-3680.
Proposed Amendments to the WSTC By-Laws
Also on the Agenda for our annual meeting are some proposed amendments to our By-Laws, which have not been updated in over 10 years. As such, they need a little tweaking to bring everything up to speed and allow the Club to continue to operate efficiently. The Board has discussed these proposed amendments at length, with feedback from other members, and feels these changes are in the Club's best interest. Any questions regarding the proposed changes will be answered at the September 23rd meeting.
While there are lots of benefits to being a member of WSTC, there are also certain responsibilities, and participating in Member votes when called for is one of them. Your vote is needed! We realize everyone may not be able to attend the annual meeting, so we have provided an online/early voting option on the By-Law amendments.
There are two ways to cast your vote:
· Early voting: Take 3 minutes and use the following link to cast your vote: https://forms.gle/QK6YHjDn1aNHZCYTA
· In Person: Attend the Annual Meeting on 9/23 in person and complete a paper ballot
Each family/household only needs to cast one vote.
If you have questions you'd like addressed prior to casting your vote and cannot attend the meeting, please feel free to give me a call or shoot an email to me (president@wynterhall.com) or Darbie Saunders (membership@wynterhall.com). If you do not vote early or attend the meeting, you can expect a friendly phone call and email from me asking for your vote!
Thank you in advance for your commitment to the Club and your family's participation. Best, Meg Olson WSTC President